Fresh Vegetables

Welcome to our category, where you can find a wide range of high-quality and delicious vegetables that elevate any dish. We offer a diverse selection of vegetables picked from the finest farmers and delivered directly to your doorstep for maximum freshness.

Our subcategories include oriental vegetables, baby vegetables, tropical roots, and specialty peppers. You can easily find the specific types of products that you’re looking for. We are committed to providing our customers with the freshest and highest quality vegetables. Whether you’re looking to add vibrant color to your salads or to create a delicious stir-fry. Our vegetable category has everything you need. So why wait? Explore our selection today and experience the joy of fresh and flavorful vegetables delivered straight to your door.

  • Aloe Vera

    $1.59$2.89 each
    Aloe leaves are botanically and commonly known as Aloe Vera. Most recipes suggest rinsing or soaking it. Raw Aloe can be blended with water, resulting in smoothies or other beverages. Origin: USA Availability: Year-Round
  • American Okra

    $2.99 /pound
    Known for its lean flavor, resulting in an indispensable ingredient in stews, curries, deep fried, or grilled. In addition, Okra is a rich source of dietary fiber which eases digestion. Origin: Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua. USA Availability: Year-Round
  • Anaheim Pepper

    $1.99 /bag
    Anaheim Peppers are a mild variety of chili peppers. Therefore, the more heat it gets, the hotter it will be. This pepper gives extra flavor to any dish.
    Origin: USA
  • Asparagus Green

    $4.19 /bunch
    1 pound Asparagus are green stalks, tender at the tip and somewhat woody at the end. Considered a delicacy since ancient times. Most importantly, it has an antioxidant which prevents certain cancers and diseases. Origin: Chile, Peru, Mexico, USA Availability: Year-Round
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    Asparagus White

    $6.99 /bunch
    1 pound White Asparagus spears are pearly white, thick, and rounded. They're hard to find, as they are considered a rare spring delicacy. Additionally, what makes white asparagus unusual is the fact that it doesn't get any sun exposure. Origin: Chile, Peru, Mexico, USA Availability: Year-Round
  • Baby Carrots

    $2.89 /bag
    8 oz Baby Carrots are the immature version, measuring 3 inches long. One of the most common and versatile ingredients, requiring no peeling and easy to cook. Certainly superior in texture, sweetness, and appearance. In addition, they're an excellent source of vitamin A and fiber Origin: Guatemala, Mexico Availability: Year-Round
  • 8 oz Each color of carrot has a different health benefit of its own: orange carrots promote healthy eyes and well-being. In addition, yellow carrots support good eye health and reduce the risk of hardening arteries. Also, red carrots are believed to guard against heart disease and cancers. Lastly, white protect against disease. Origin: Guatemala, Mexico Availability: Year-Round
  • Baby Corn

    $6.99 /bag
    8 oz Baby Corn is the immature version, only smaller. Popular Asian vegetable consumed cooked or raw due to its sweet and juicy taste. Low fat; saturated fat-free, very low in sodium, cholesterol-free, and a good source of vitamin C. Origin: Guatemala Availability: Year-Round
  • Baby Green Zucchini

    $2.99$5.19 /bag
    8 oz Baby Zucchini is similar to the mature version, only smaller. However, its flesh is more tender and the flavor is milder than the larger one. It serves a great source of vitamins and nutrients.
    Origin: Guatemala
    Availability: Year-Round
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    Bok Choy

    $1.39 /bunch
    In the American markets it's commonly known as Baby Bok Choy, but unlike the Baby Bok Choy, the Shanghai Choy is completely green with a lighter stem. It has great flavor, can be very versatile, and has incredible health benefits. Origin: USA Availability: Year-Round
  • Boniato

    $2.49 each
    The Boniato (also called Batata) may be pink, purple, cream, or red. However, its flesh is dry, white, and smooth in texture. It can be baked or roasted and can be served whole or mashed just like a regular baked potato. Origin: USA Availability: Year-Round
  • Out of stock
    8 oz Cachucha peppers look like a spicy habanero but without the heat. Sometimes this chile is called an aji dulce. But in South America aji dulce is quite hot. This pepper ripen from dark green to an orange-red when fully ripe. Origin: Dominican Republic Availability: Year Round  
  • Chayote Green

    $1.19 each
    Chayote is a pear shaped, light green squash. It has a creamy white flesh, that becomes cottony as it matures. It is crunchy and very mild with a sweet taste, similar to cucumber. Additionally, it can be consumed raw or cooked. Origin: Costa Rica Availability: Year-Round  
  • Chinese Bitter Melon is a green, cucumber-shaped vegetable with a unique bitter taste. Typically grows in countries with a tropical climate. Very popular in Asian cooking . Similarly, famous for its effects on obesity and diabetes. Origin: Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, U.S. Availability: Year-Round  
  • Chinese Eggplant is set apart by its long, thin shape, and unique purple color. Additionally, its flesh is typically white, meaty, and nearly seedless. It has the sweetest flavor of all eggplant varieties; low in calories and a good source of fiber. Origin: Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, USA Availability: Year-Round
  • Chinese Okra

    $1.29 each
    Chinese Okra is similar to regular okra in color and shape. It is long with a ridged green skin and thin ends. It also has a spongy, slightly fibrous creamy white flesh. Its flesh is tender and similar to zucchini in flavor. Origin: Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala Availability: Year-Round  
  • Chives Flowers

    $4.99 /bunch
    Chives flower, or garlic chives, are similar to chives but this ones actually taste like garlic. They're not hollow, and they have flat, broader leaves and white flowers. If you're looking for a delicate garlic flavor, this herb is the best option. Origin: Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala Availability: Year-Round  
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    Corn Yellow

    $0.69 each
    Yellow Corn is a variety of sweet corn. With kernels packed in tight almost uniform rows. At its peak ripeness, it's sweet, succulent, and the skin pops as you bite it. Origin: USA Availability: Year-Round
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    $1.95 /bag
    8oz The Cubanelle, also known as "Cuban pepper", is a variety of sweet pepper of the species Capsicum Annuum. When unripe, it is light yellowish-green in color, but will turn bright red if allowed to ripen.
    Origin: Mexico, U.S.
    Availability: Year-Round
  • Dosakai

    $1.69 each
    Dosakai is a type of melon, small in size and round in shape. As it matures, its skin goes from green to yellow. It has a firm, watery, white flesh. Additionally, it can be consumed both raw and cooked. Origin: Dominican Republic Availability: Year-Round  
  • English Peas

    $2.99$3.99 /bag
    8 oz  English Peas have a large bright green pod which encases plump, round peas. The pods grow on vines and unlike snow and sugar snap peas are too fibrous to be edible. Origin: Guatemala, Peru Availability: Year-Round
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    8oz Finger Hot Pepper, is a small, thin chili variety.  They start out light green and ripen to red, and can be used fresh or dried. It's very hot. As a result, it adds great flavor and spice to many dishes. Perfect for those who love eye-watering hot food. Origin: Dominican Republic, Florida Availability: Year- Round    
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    Flat Valor

    $2.99 /bag
    8oz Flat Valor beans are long and flat with a smooth green skin. They're usually eaten when young and tender as they become fibrous and undesirable when old. They're rich in antioxidants and are an excellent addition to a healthy diet. Origin: USA Availability: Year-Round      
  • French Beans

    $2.89 /bag
    8 oz French Beans are tender, slender beans with green, rounded pods. They're eaten whole, including undeveloped seeds, when they are still young, juicy and tender. They have a delicate texture and sweet flavor. Origin: Guatemala Availability: Year-Round


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