Star Fruit

$1.29 each

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Star Fruit is juicy and crunchy and its eaten whole even with skin and seeds; it is also used as garnish in salads and drinks.

Origin: U.S.
Availability: May – February

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It is a tropical fruit most known for its five-pointed star shape when cut across the middle. It has a waxy, golden yellow to green color skin that depends on the ripe state. Its taste ranges from pleasantly tart and sour to slightly sweet. The flavor is a complex combination that includes plums, pineapples, and lemons. Star Fruit is juicy and crunchy, and it’s eaten whole, including skin and seeds; it is used as a garnish in salads and drinks. Are you looking at how to use it? Go to our social media and explore recipes, tips, and more! Order now and explore new flavors with us!

Additional information

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 4.75 in

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